Doodle With Children’s Book Author and Illustrator Mo Willems

Every weekday for the next few weeks, author and illustrator Mo Willems will be inviting kids to his studio at lunchtime to create some of his favorite characters. Starting this week, the new Lunch Doodles series featuring Mo Willems will be released at 1:00 pm ET and will remain online to air anytime.

The first issue was posted on Monday. In it, Willems, who is a resident artist at the Kennedy Center, showed children how to draw one of his most famous characters, a dove:

It’s a fun break for kids, but hey, drawing classes are fun for adults too. We can look inside Willems’ studio, including some of the drawers you see behind him that hold original drawings for each of his books. In the first episode, he shows us the differences in his original sketches for Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus and the final product.

Each drawing session will include a downloadable activity page with step-by-step instructions on how to draw that day’s character. Children can also send questions to Willems at and he can answer them in a future drawing class.

“You may be isolated, but you are not alone,” Willems writes on the Kennedy Center website. “Are you an artist. Let’s do something together. “


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