Use Tarp and Cooking Spray to Deal With Excess Snow

This is the time of year that the dreadful frozen mud has replaced the winter wonderland, so here are some of our top tips for clearing snow this winter.

Let’s start with a snow shovel. While it is excellent at picking up accumulated snow from front steps and walkways, it tends to get stuck on it with a fair amount of snow, making it unsuitable for cleaning. To prevent this from happening, spray the shovel with cooking spray before going outside. This will keep the snow from sticking and give you more spoons.

As we go out onto the porch, try to lay the tarp down before the snow falls. Secure it with bricks or stones and leave it on during the storm. Once that’s done, simply slide the tarp up and shake off all the snow – no shoveling or scraping is required!

When you go for a shovel, create your own waterproof gloves by wearing disposable vinyl gloves over your regular ones. Simply secure them around your wrists with elastic bands to keep your hands dry and warm.

Then head towards your car. Protect your wipers from freezing by covering them with long socks. Then wrap the rearview mirrors in plastic bags secured with rubber bands to prevent freezing. When you return from the snow, just take off your socks and bags and hit the road.

Finally, if you have drafts (especially during a heavy blizzard), cut small pieces of the shelf lining and insert them into the slots. This will prevent drafts and drips from melted snow from entering your windows.


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