Turn Leftover Mashed Potatoes Into a Delicious Sauce

There is a fine line between hot sauce and casserole. Both have a golden brown top and a creamy interior, but the difference is in how you bring them to your mouth. If you can use a chip or a cracker as a delivery system, it’s a failure – that’s the rule.

Mashed potatoes are essentially the creamier mashed potatoes you eat with crackers. You can eat it with a spoon (as I did), but there is an almost scandalous sensitivity to scooping root-based carbohydrate puree with crunchy wheat-based carbohydrates. They’re just calming carbs.

It is also ideal for an awkward, not quite one-time serving of mashed potatoes. Adding sour cream stretches food leftovers, making them more accessible. The mashed potato dip is also fully customizable. Baked potato toppings are great to mix, but you can crush them in blue cheese, add shredded chicken and buffalo sauce, or sprinkle the bag with ranch (or ramen) powder. Have a bunch of fresh herbs that are about to sink into oblivion? Chop them up for a mashed potato sauce. Want an excuse to eat too much nutritional yeast? Add some savory yellow flakes. I added Trader Joe’s mushroom powder to my teaspoon. It was very good.

The “recipe” for mashed potatoes sauce is actually just “add an obscene amount of sour cream to mashed potatoes,” but I’ve found that a total ratio of two parts potatoes to one part sour cream will give you a sauce that can work as well. as a spread. If you want a softer sauce, simply increase the amount of sour cream a quarter cup at a time until you get the consistency you want. I also like to add a tablespoon or two of mayonnaise to make it more creamy. I’ve known to eat cold sauce, but tossing it in the oven with grated cheese on top is the best step.

To make mashed potatoes sauce, you will need:

  • 1 cup mashed potatoes
  • 1/2 to 1 cup sour cream, depending on how delicious you want your sauce
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • Salt and pepper
  • Any mixes you like, such as bacon slices, shredded chicken, chopped herbs, assorted cheeses, or a packet of ranch dressing mix.
  • About 1/4 cup grated cheese

Combine the potatoes, sour cream and mayonnaise in a bowl and add some flavor to the mixture. Season with salt and pepper if necessary (this will depend on how seasoned your potatoes are). If you want the sauce to be looser, add more sour cream. Add any mixture, stir again and transfer to an oven safe container. Top with just enough cheese to cover the top, then cook in the oven at 375 degrees until the cheese is melted. Switch the oven to “fry” and let the baby begin to bubble and brown. Sprinkle with onions on top and serve immediately.


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