How Is Your No-Cost Task Progressing?

At the beginning of this month, which is so focused on positive change, we’re putting even more pressure on you to join us and take part in a free trial. These are not expenses that go beyond planned, recurring expenses for a full 31 days.

Many of you who said you would participate were delighted to redirect the money away from the waste to your savings account. Some of you have chosen to focus this month on one specific category of expenses: coffee and alcohol, vending machines and clothing – all of which were mentioned when we started .

So … how are you?

I will share my own experience which was (big sigh) challenging. I decided that I was not going to spend money after 10:00 pm, whether it be drinks, snacks, or anything else that could tempt me – both in real life and on the Internet – late at night.

And on three occasions (out of 14 possibilities at the time of this writing) I completely missed it.

Last Thursday, I was so excited to find the store is open after 9pm that I ordered one of my few hot drinks around 11am (your girlfriend here is an owl with a big freelance deadline approaching). I even realized that on that day I broke my own rule until I sat down to write this post.

The next night I was gone when someone asked if I would like to meet them at the bar. Guess what time I got to the bar? 10 to the point. I paid for one drink and Lyft ride home.

Do you know what I did the next night? Ordered pizza at 22:30

I’m not impressed with myself. But I wrote down the transactions in my little notebook (I keep a handwritten ledger this month as I mentioned) and I started again. I do not allow myself to be discouraged by the days when I did not achieve my goal. Instead, I realized what contributed to those give-up nights (they all happened at the end of the week when I was tired of a million little things). Now it’s a matter of making the streak not spend the night at a time.

Of course, since life is never easy, friends come to visit me this weekend. Will I be able to cope with my own difficulties? Can I convince them all to support me as I struggle under collective peer pressure? Get connected at the end of the month to find out.

Everyone else who doesn’t spend money let us know in the comments how you are doing so far!


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