Make Reading Articles on the Web Less Distracting With This Chrome Extension

Sometimes reading articles online is distracting. Taking notes of what you read can also be quite difficult, depending on how important the article is. Readermode is a Chrome extension that can help. Once enabled, the extension allows you to customize the appearance of an article on the web, as well as highlight and comment on the article so you can revisit important parts later.

The extension was designed for people with dyslexia to make it easier to read.

At a basic level, the article theme feature allows you to choose the font, text size, text color, and background color on which you prefer to read the article. You can also turn off things like article footer or photos.

While reading, you can highlight the passages of text that you want to remember. The built-in Google translator can help you with any places that might be in a foreign language, and the note list will group all the notes you take as you read so you can easily find them later.

Dyslexia Treatment Tools is one of those places where enlargement really shines. With their help, you can choose between different fonts specially designed for dyslexics. As you read articles, you can use the dyslexia ruler to stay on track, and the text-to-speech feature can highlight individual words as you read them aloud so you can follow them.

Most of the features are free to use for everyone. If you want things like Google Translate and built-in Google Search capabilities, there is a $ 15 one-time fee for the Pro version.


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