Be the Hero Bringing Serving Dishes for Thanksgiving

If you are not hosting Thanksgiving, you will most likely be a Turkey Day guest at someone’s home, and you should bring something to share with the host and other guests. Glasses, pie, and alcohol are good choices, of course, but the real hero brings the serving utensils.

They might not sound particularly exciting, but serving utensils are one of the smartest things you can bring on Thanksgiving. Even the most dedicated home chefs rarely serve food that requires more than two to three tablespoons, so it’s unlikely that their kitchen is stocked with the oversized cutlery needed for Thanksgiving. While you may not be offering the dish, you can still contribute with a couple of serving spoons and possibly a large fork or pie serving.

If you’re bringing a side dish or dessert, grab the right crockery for whatever dish you bring, and then grab extra crockery because someone will forget their baking spoon, green bean spatula, or salad tongs. Your host will appreciate your initiative and most want to reward you with a drumstick or maybe an extra slice of pie.


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