How to Define High Quality Tequila, According to Casa Noble Founder Jose “Pepe” Hermosillo

Tequila is an alcohol that many people equate with injections and, as a result, a morning hangover. In fact, aged tequila can be delicious when sipped straight or on ice, just like a good aged whiskey can be.

If you’re new to the spirit, at least when it comes to drinking straight, then knowing what “good” is can be tricky. I recently spoke with Jose “Pepe” Hermosillo, founder of Casa Noble, to find out what to look for in a good tequila.

“You can exclude a number of brands of inorganic tequila based on what is written on the label,” says Hermosillo.

“Make sure you see 100% agave, which means it is made from blue agave and not mixed (51/49). Now that we’re only looking at pure 100% agave, look for brands that are produced in smaller batches. Many big brands are high volume and therefore usually mass produced, which can affect quality. ”

When you buy tequila, Hermosillo advises making sure it is “bright and shiny” with “good body”. After that: “Stick your nose in a glass and smell. It shouldn’t be overly alcoholic, but should have more interesting pleasant aromas. “

Ermolsillo says there are three steps to choosing high quality tequila:

◦ Step 1. Pour the tequila into a clear glass.

◦Step 2: Stir the tequila in the glass as if you were spinning wine.

◦ Step 3. Stop spinning and look at the glass. If the tequila falls back with clean streaks or legs like wine, it’s quality organic tequila. Let’s have a drink! If tequila stains remain on the glass, chances are it contains sugar or other additives, which can lead to tough mornings. “

The goal is to find tequila that infuses your palate with a pleasant aroma, rather than scalding and unpleasant to drink.

I recommend starting with Reposado or Anejo, which will be aged in barrels before bottling. You can definitely drink blanco (pure product) straight, but you will get a lot more enjoyment from aged tequila.


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