We’ve Summarized a Summary of Blinkist’s Bestsellers

If you haven’t heard of Blinkist , the company that raised $ 34 million in venture funding to sell book resumes to people, don’t worry! Blinkist honors authors and publishers by writing summaries of their work, mostly without permission , and selling them for $ 100 a year . I’m for pretending to read books . So I decided to pay tribute to Blinkist by summarizing their summaries of three popular tips for free.

7 habits of very successful people

Stephen Covey

Book reading time: 7 hours / Blinkist reading time: 15 minutes / Lifehacker reading time: 2 minutes

  • If you want to change, you must change your habits. Specifically, there are seven of them.
  • Improving your character is more effective than learning skills as a “shortcut”.
  • Change your paradigm. One day someone’s mother died. Think about it.
  • Be proactive. Don’t let the weather dictate your mood. This is a metaphor. Prayer for serenity. Viktor Frankl was so serene in the concentration camps that he inspired the guards. Blame yourself for your problems for a month.
  • Start at the end. Houses need blueprints. Visualize yourself doing something before doing it, as competing sprinters do. Write a personal mission statement. No, like, work on it a few times, come on, be serious. Place the ladder against the right wall.
  • The main thing is the main thing. Sort all your cases by importance and / or urgency. You should devote more time to important non-urgent matters.
  • Think “win-win”. Most situations in life are not competitions. And if you and your potential partner think “win-lose”, you will get “lose-lose”. So think about what the other person can get from the exchange and see how you can satisfy that. Relationships are like emotional bank accounts, and the biggest pledge is understanding people. For example, a friend of Stephen Covey once watched a lot of baseball with his son, even though he doesn’t like baseball.
  • Strive to understand first and then be understood. What if the doctors can’t do their job? Don’t give people a recipe based on your own experience, not theirs. Practice empathetic listening while studying body language.
  • Achieve synergy by showing openness and respect for others. “One plus one can be three or more,” which I had to type because Blinkist is blocking the copy and paste functionality on its site. The head of the post-war Atomic Energy Commission got the group of experts to get to know each other before the commission worked together, and this helped them better resolve their differences.
  • Sharpen the saw. If you want to stay healthy, exercise. If you want to stay smart, read books. Breaks and vacations are important. Read the next book by Stephen Covey.

Virgin way

Richard Branson (2014)

Book reading time: 6 hours / Blinkist reading time: 13 minutes / Lifehacker reading time: 2 minutes

  • Virgin founder Richard Branson stole candy from his parents’ bedroom. When he was caught, his father was not angry, but disappointed. This is why Richard Branson is rich now. Once he caught an employee stealing goods and did not fire him. Donald Trump is a moron.
  • Winston Churchill and J. Kennedy must have been great listeners, because leaders have to be even better listeners than they are the speakers themselves. Richard Branson is a good listener who takes notes. Ditto Sir Stelios Hadji-Ioannou, who listened to Branson and took notes and then founded EasyJet.
  • Talk about corporate culture and people will think you are talking about yogurt! More seriously, “culture is eating strategy at breakfast,” says management consultant Peter Drucker. In the beginning, at Virgin Records, they had bean bags. The president of Southwest Airlines was nearly sued once for stealing the “Just Plane Smart” slogan, but he got the CEO of another company to grab him for it! And once the flight attendants of the South-West hid in the luggage compartments and surprised the passengers! Fun place, Southwest. Earns too.
  • To achieve your own luck means to be ready to seize unexpected opportunities. One of Virgin’s first albums was Tubular Bells . Branson was unable to persuade Atlantic Records to buy it for the US market, but he finally found them to play it, and William Friedkin ended up in the office and made it the title track of The Exorcist . So.
  • One day while he was studying at Stanford, Branson’s friend Antonio made a friend, and that friend started his own business, and Antonio put the $ 10,000 he had saved up for a car for a 1% stake. The company was Google. Be like Antonio! Get $ 10,000 and make friends at Stanford.
  • Branson founded Virgin Atlantic without much research. But he also started failed businesses like Virgin Cola and bridal wear business, it is true, Virgin Brides. Branson now has a “targeted procrastination” strategy that appears to be planning.
  • Goldman Sachs failed to convince Virgin to invest in subprime mortgages.
  • The Ottoman Sultan’s engineers rejected Leonardo da Vinci’s plans for a bridge. Likewise, people thought that Virgin’s mega-store would never work in 1996’s seedy Times Square.
  • While other airlines have only focused on where you are in the air, Virgin Atlantic has made the place you are more enjoyable with lounge amenities.
  • Branson believes schools need to educate more children so they can start their own businesses. Teachers focus on algebra and calculus rather than emotion and critical thinking. So more entrepreneurs need to speak in classrooms.

He’s Just Not That Into You

Greg Berendt and Liz Tuccillo, 2004

Book reading time: 2 hours / Blinkist reading time: 12 minutes / Lifehacker reading time: 1 minute

  • He’s not happy with you if he doesn’t call you.
  • Men are not afraid to spoil their friendship.
  • The men aren’t too busy right now.
  • If a man likes a woman, he will ask her to become his girlfriend.
  • All of these claims are based on a “survey” of 20 men who were friends with the authors. Look, this is a 200-page book adapted from the Sex and the City series.
  • If a man is married, he doesn’t like you.
  • If a man just broke up with you, he doesn’t like you. No, but don’t let him keep calling you after the breakup.
  • If he doesn’t want to marry, then he doesn’t like you. If he says he doubts the institution of marriage, he is lying. And at a certain age, your nanny will end.
  • Yes, there are exceptions to all these rules. Don’t get hung up on this. Focus on how nice it is to be free from a man who didn’t love you.
  • There are no mixed messages.
  • Write down how you tell the story of your relationship. Listen back. If you were your best friend, what advice would you give yourself? Is this book written for women who don’t have close friends? May be! Maybe this is exactly who needs it!

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