Prevent Shampoo Bottles From Leaking in Your Luggage Using Plastic Wrap

I’ve officially reached a point in my life where I need to take a handful of liquid toiletries with me on my travels. While I used to be fine with what shampoos and lotions the hotel offered, now I’m more picky about these things, which means I also need to be more precise about how I pack.

I have small travel versions of many things, but sometimes I have to throw a full-sized one in my bag for one reason or another, which immediately begs the question: “How can I make it so that it doesn’t spill all over the place?”

Shampoo, conditioner, and other rocker bottles are easy to use, but they tend to open in a bag, which means you’ll have to store them in a large lock when you pack them, and in case they do. open up, you scoop expensive shampoo out of a plastic bag the first time you shower.

This week I came across a solution that might help: put plastic under these caps .

It’s a simple solution, easy to implement, and so obvious. However, I never thought about it. You can get the job done in seconds using plastic wrap, or if an accident has already occurred during your trip, you can also use the shower caps from your hotel room on your way back.

The idea is to give your bottles an extra layer of protection if they get squashed or hurt in your checked baggage.

This is not a foolproof plan, as I believe the correct compression will result in the suitcase filled with shampoo, but it will give you a slightly better chance of getting that liquid safely to its destination.


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