Protect Yourself From Ticks by Learning How They Hunt

Even just reading about ticks, I immediately check my limbs and start to feel itchy. (I apologize in advance for what this story will do to you.) But at the same time, I’m so paranoid about ticks that I can’t help but click on anything that might improve my chances of avoiding those little suckers, even slightly.

We know the basics (right?): Check your body after spending time outdoors (in the forest, backyard, park, etc.), use the correct removal technique if you find one, and cover as much as possible most of your body when you are in nature. But wouldn’t it be even more useful if we could penetrate the tick’s brain and find out exactly what it is looking for in a person? What makes it look like one mammal and not another? Since ticks actively hunt for their next target, knowing how they select their prey can help avoid being bitten.

How ticks choose their targets

I used to assume that ticks just randomly jump onto the first warm body they come in contact with – be it a human, dog, deer, or other animal – but this is much more complicated. According to an article in Popular Science :

It is true that you are often exposed to ticks by touching them. But that doesn’t mean they just hang out on the leaf, enjoying the sunny day as you walk by. They lie in wait.

Okay then. Basically, your innocent walk in the park is an invitation for the ticks to feed.

But how do they know where to jump? It turns out they have tiny sensory devices at the ends of their front legs that help them pick up odors. And unfortunately, no amount of deodorant or insect spray will save you, because a tick can tell where you are from your breathing – specifically, the carbon dioxide you exhale. Ticks also like the smell of ammonia, so urinating in the forest gives them an important clue as to where you are.

How to get away with it for ticks

Unfortunately for us, it is rather difficult to tell right away whether a tick has landed on you and whether it has begun to feed on your blood. According to the University of Rhode Island’s TickEncounter Resource Center , we don’t notice the bite because ticks secrete special pain relievers called kininases through their saliva. It also allows them to stay attached to you for days, even if you don’t know anything.

In addition, the Popular Science article notes that not all ticks want to feed exactly where they land on you: some like to explore different areas of your body before choosing the perfect place to dine. According to the Centers for Disease Control , their favorite feeding spots include:

  • Under hands
  • In and around the ears
  • Inside the navel
  • Back of knees
  • In and around your hair
  • Between the legs
  • Around the waist

Therefore, be sure to check these places especially carefully when checking for ticks after going outside.

Location, location, location

If you think you can move to another part of the United States and protect yourself from ticks, think again. The only state where ticks are not native is Alaska, according to the CDC . This means that they can be found in any other state, including yours. The CDC notes that the good news is that not all types of ticks bite and transmit disease to humans. They have a handy map showing the types of ticks found in every part of the United States.

How to at least try to prevent tick bites

Unfortunately, from my own experience, no matter how well prepared you are, ticks can and will bite you. The traditional advice of the TickEncounter Resource Center was to use DEET repellents, tuck your pants into your socks, walk the center of the trail, and carefully check for ticks when you get home. But that doesn’t always help.

They now recommend that people treat their shoes, socks, shorts / trousers, and shirt with a permethrin mite repellent the day before spending time outdoors. Taking the time to treat your garments with permethrin will last for a while: home-treated garments can be washed up to six times and remain effective, while store-treated garments can be effective after 70 washes.

In addition, the CDC recommends taking hot showers within two hours of being outdoors as it has been shown to reduce the risk of contracting Lyme disease and may be effective in reducing the risk of other tick-borne diseases. In addition, a shower can help flush out mites that are not fully adhered to your body.

What to do if you are bitten by a tick

Basically, you need to make sure to remove the tick properly and then rinse the area with warm, soapy water. Your best bet is to read how to do it now so you can be prepared for a tick bite later .


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