How to Motivate Yourself to Exercise When It’s Cold Outside

What’s worse than going to the gym after a long day at work? Head to the gym in the middle of the polar maelstrom.

When the temperature drops, going to the gym seems like the Everest of physical challenges. Why expose yourself to fluorescent lights and mysterious odors when you can stay in bed under the covers? It can be harder than ever to keep yourself motivated to exercise when it’s cold, but there are several things you can do to achieve the seemingly impossible.

Tell yourself that you will get better

If you’re thinking of running in the cold, just tell yourself it’s for your own good. According to Jimmy T. Martin, co-founder of Brrrn Gym in New York, which runs group classes in 45-degree rooms, exercising in the cold has a number of benefits so you can benefit from the winter temperatures.

“In the long term, lower temperatures will help you burn more fat and calories just because your body has to do to maintain a temperature of 98.6 degrees,” he said. “It’s exhausting. But when people exercise in our temperatures, they notice that they are improving their endurance and recovery. They feel much more focused. “

According to Quartz, studies have shown that shaking burns a lot of calories. A small 2004 study of cold water swimmers suggests that cooler temperatures reduce fatigue, improve memory, and overall well-being, so you may benefit more from lower temperatures.

Book a lesson

Martin added that when it’s cold outside and the streets are slippery with ice, control yourself by signing up for a group class or joining a friend for a workout. “I think it’s really exciting to really take this first step forward, to do it with someone,” he said. “If you find a ‘tough’ friend to practice with, you will be accountable. You develop a routine, it becomes a part of who you are because you don’t want to let them down or let yourself down. “

Plus, if you pay for a group lesson, you’re more likely to attend. If you’re looking for extra motivation, switch class and try something you haven’t done before (if you’re a cycling fanatic, try a climbing class) so monotony doesn’t become an issue.

Get up early

We know that early awakening sounds like an insult to injury. But getting up early for a workout can help you relax during the day. You also get the added pleasure of exercising before dark (and free time after work).

When you wake up, Martin recommends taking the time of mindfulness as a motivation tool. “I just remind myself where I have been, where I want to be and where I am now,” he said. “I start with breathing, I start with meditation, and by starting the silence before making noise on my day, I found that I could make better decisions.”

And if you find it difficult to get up in the morning, lay out your clothes the night before. Install the coffee pot. Wash yourself. Do something small to get yourself moving. “Start by putting on your socks, put on your shoes and head to the door,” Martin said. “Or, if it’s after work, grab a gym bag and try to encourage yourself to move in the right direction.”

Make it your goal to at least get to the gym and run for a few minutes, and you will most likely end up doing what you set out to accomplish (if not, then something is better than nothing)

Make your trip better

If you miss an outdoor run, remind yourself that the worst part of going to the gym on a cold day is the commute, not the workout itself. “In winter, the commute to work can be quite challenging,” said Marin. “Come to think of it, one thing that is great at lower temperatures is that they encourage you to move.” And it’s true – the sweltering heat is also not quite a motivation tool.

Try listening to a new podcast or music on your way to the gym, or use it as brainstorming time. And if all else fails and riding in the snow seems impossible, exercise at home. Make a quick workout with its own weight . It’s tempting to stay at home all day, but that doesn’t mean it should be counterproductive.


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