Make Cleaning Your Home or Office Easier With This App

Marie Kondo has made cleaning your space a trendy new activity.

If you’re not quite ready to use a Kondo in your space yet, the Get Rid Of It app can help you clean it up at a slower but still productive pace.

Like Kondo, the app encourages you to get rid of things that “don’t add value to your life” or, in other words, “don’t make you happy.” Instead of dumping several things at once; however, it encourages you to work towards reliable cleaning.

On the first day of using the app, you only need to get rid of one thing. On the second day, you increase this to two things a day. This number continues to grow by one point a day until you get to 30.

As you get rid of each item, you are prompted to take a snapshot to remember the item and track your progress. You also have the option to leave a note of how much this Blues Traveler disc or lava lamp meant to you in the 90s.

Assuming your month is successful, you can start the process again the next month, focusing on a different area. The idea is that maybe the first month will be your home office and the second month will be in your bedroom (or wherever good debris is needed).

The end result is a cleaner, more minimal home, but you don’t have to ditch everything at once to get to it.


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