Make a Large Breakfast and Eat It All Week

It’s common knowledge that starting the day with a salad makes you morally better than everyone around you in every way, but weekday mornings just aren’t the time to rinse, chop, and dress a stack of vegetables. Try Making Breakfast, a breakfast option for salad lovers that can be prepared on a lazy Sunday and enjoyed throughout the week.

Much like a salad, this cane is highly customizable, but there are some basics you should cover. Start with a solid base – like Brussels sprouts, courgettes, or a bag of broccoli – toss in the vinaigrette, sprinkle with crumbly cheese and add the meat for breakfast. Leave it in the fridge overnight to blend in the flavors, cook a large batch of hard-boiled eggs for a full breakfast that can be made even on the busiest morning. If you need more guidance than what I just gave you, you’re in luck; I have a recipe for you with a red orange vinaigrette. To make this healthy morning lunch you will need:

  • 100 ounces of salad base (I especially love the grated brussels or that packaged broccoli you can buy from Trader Joe’s).
  • 1/2 cup grape seed oil
  • 2 tablespoons of blood orange juice
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • A pinch of salt
  • 2-3 sprigs of thyme, leaves removed from the stem
  • 6 ounces cooked breakfast meat (Thick bacon is a great option, but it won’t retain its crispy texture all week, so go for ham or salami if that bothers you.)
  • 2 tablespoons goat cheese or feta
  • 6 hard-boiled eggs (learn how to cook them here ).

Combine oil, juice, honey, mustard, salt and thyme leaves in a jug and shake until completely emulsified. Set aside at least half an hour to blend the scents. If you have chosen bacon for meat, cut it into 1/2-inch pieces and then place in a cold skillet. Place a skillet on the hotplate and cook over medium or low heat until all the fat is melted and you have thick and crispy bacon pieces. Drain the water onto paper towels. (If you chose pre-cooked ham or other cold cuts, simply cut them into pieces.)

Place the salad base in a large bowl and toss with half the dressing. Try it and add more if needed. Add meat and cheese, stir again, cover and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, transfer the noodles to a bowl of hard-boiled eggs for a delicious light breakfast.


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