Bring All Questions About Your Health to the Topic “Am I Dying ?!” Doctors Tomorrow at 1:00 Pm ET

You have a strange pain in your upper back, more like a blow than a prick, but only in your left side. Also, your eye will not stop twitching. And you’ve got a weird rash on your leg that won’t go away. You are dying ?!

We can’t tell you this (apart from the obvious and infuriating answer “Of course we all die”), but fortunately we know some people who can. They are the authors of Am Dying ?!: A Complete Guide to Your Symptoms – and What to Do Next . Cardiologists Christopher Kelly, M.D. and Mark Eisenberg, M.D., FACC will join us tomorrow at 1:00 pm ET to discuss any health concerns you may have, including but not limited to :

  • How do I know if my chest pains are caused by a heart attack or just gas?
  • Are my eyes yellow, or is this just office lighting?
  • When to panic at night?
  • Seriously, this rash on my leg is spreading.

They can also answer your general health questions besides your strange pains, for example:

  • How often do I need to get mammograms?
  • Should you take probiotics?
  • What’s the worst thing about colonoscopy?
  • What do doctors want us to understand?

See you tomorrow at 13:00.


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