Cast Drawings From Phone to TV With Chromecast and This App

Our family’s Thanksgiving is huge. After everyone has finished eating, we usually look for some “activity” that both kids and adults can enjoy, which has been associated with playing Pictionary energetically over the past few years.

My boyfriend’s brother has a huge board that we use to draw ideas. That’s great in theory, but when it comes to figuring out where to put it so everyone can see, it’s always a comedy of mistakes. This week I stumbled upon an even better option: using a TV.

CastPad is an application that allows you to draw pictures on your phone, which are then displayed on your TV using a Chromecast.

To use it, you simply launch the app on your phone, press the broadcast button, and draw. What you write on the phone is then displayed on the TV screen.

The free version of the app includes five colors: black, blue, red, yellow and white (which you use as an eraser) and a brush size adjuster. It’s enough to get you through the Pictionary family game, or to please a child who might want to draw a picture for all to see.

If you really start using the app, there is also a Premium version that gives you “endless” color options and removes ads (this free version is ad-supported).

While we use it for gaming, I’ve also seen it come in handy in conference rooms and the like, where there are televisions but no other surface where you can write and share what you write with everyone in the room.


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