Here’s How to See the Latest Meteor Showers of 2018

Routine observation of meteor showers in humans is usually associated with summer; throw down the covers and enjoy the evening. But there are still many rainstorms ahead of 2018. Here’s when and where to expect a good meteor show for the whole family.


According to The New York Times, this shower has been going on for the entire month and peaked over the past weekend. But the Leonids will continue until November 30, and they have been exhibiting some of their most fantastic performances since 2002. Leonids often cause so-called storms as their Tempel-Tuttle comet passes through our inner atmosphere, creating literally thousands of meteors, but no storms are expected this year. EarthSky says the best views are after midnight; during the peak, they were most noticeable in the early morning. You don’t need any special equipment to see them, so if you get up at 5 AM to stuff a turkey, go out onto a terrace or dark courtyard and gaze up at the sky.


These showers are not caused by an official asteroid, but by a space “object” called 3200 Phaethon. It starts on December 4th, peaks around December 14th, and ends on December 17th if that helps you plan a holiday party around meteor watching. According to, showers are best seen around 2 a.m. regardless of your local time, but they should be visible as early as 9 or 10 p.m.:

To find Gemini in the Northern Hemisphere, look in the southwestern sky for the constellation Orion, which is easy to spot by the three stars on the hunter’s belt. Then look up and to the left of Orion to see Gemini, high in the southwestern sky. In the Southern Hemisphere, Gemini appears in the lower right corner of Orion, and both of them will hang in the northwestern sky.

They should put on a good show – 100 to 160 meteors per hour.


As soon as the Geminids leave, the Ursids arrive. Starting on December 17th, the peak of rain falls on the 22nd, and then ends on December 26th. However, this shower only produces 10-20 meteors per hour from Comet 8P / Tuttle. The Time and Date has a table of exactly where to look at the sky to catch these showers, which is updated daily, but can usually be viewed in the Northern Hemisphere.


And here is the meteor shower with which you can celebrate the New Year! From December 28 to January 13, rainfall peaks on January 3. They are supposedly weaker and stripier than other meteors, but you might see one if you are celebrating the end of 2018 in a dark and secluded place. But do not despair – meteors will hit us all 2019, and in much more favorable weather for lying on the ground.

You can check out the 2019 schedule of meteor showers that are already rolling out in the New York Times here .


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