How to Enable Hulu Night Mode

I’m a big fan of using dark or night mode when available. Using a darker theme makes things easier for your eyes (and for those around you if you’re somewhere like an airplane or a bed). It can also help conserve battery power as displaying black uses less power than displaying white.

There are several Chrome extensions that can add dark mode to any website that has mixed results. If you’re a Hulu user, the service offers Night Mode specifically for watching videos through its website for a much better experience.

To access Hulu Night Mode, first log into Hulu in your chosen browser and then log in. From there, click your name on the top right side of the page.

A drop-down menu appears with “Night Mode” at the top and a toggle switch. Turn on the switch to enable night mode in your profile.

That’s all. If you ever want to disable this feature, you can do so simply by flipping this switch back to the off position.

But look how great this night mode looks. Why would you turn it off at all?


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