Set an Alarm for the Minute You Want to Wake Up

The NPR Morning Edition recently revised its watch , per-second news schedule, longer segments, promo videos, music beds, and funding messages for every hour of the show. The new watch, effective August 13, 2018, represents the first timetable change for the Morning Edition since 2014. In particular, they include two newscasts per hour instead of three in the old format.

Previously, headlines could be heard 1 minute, 19 minutes and 42 minutes after an hour. While the number of news broadcasts has not changed, they have moved news broadcasts to “more intuitive times” at the start and end of the hour.

This means that in theory you could set an alarm to wake you up immediately after the news broadcast starts, after 1 minute or half an hour (the first minute after the hour is dedicated to the promo) – say 6:01 am or 6:30 am. Local stations change this format slightly to suit their own programming, so you may have to tinker with your exact alarm settings to get the segment you want. I bet if you set your alarm to go off right at the start of an uninterrupted 11-minute, 29-second reportage that kicks off seven and a half minutes an hour, you have a good chance that Steve Inskip’s extensive interview will weave it. a path into your sleep for a particularly strange awakening.


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