These Are the Apps You Will Need for Today’s Lunar Eclipse.

Lunar eclipses happen only once on a blue moon (figuratively speaking, of course). Later that evening, our Earth will block sunlight from reaching the moon’s surface. Along with the usual bright white appearance, our Moon will also acquire a reddish color for a short time.

Watching a lunar eclipse will not hurt your vision like a solar eclipse, so there is no need for special glasses . However, you can prepare for the event in other ways. Here are a few smartphone apps you should install before a lunar eclipse in order to enjoy it to the fullest.

Follow the moon across the sky

Sadly, those of us living in North America won’t be able to see the lunar event (total eclipse starts at 3:30 pm ET / 12:30 pm PT), but those who travel or watch online via live streams , can still join in the fun.

Apps like Deluxe Moon Pro ($ 2.99) for iOS and Deluxe Moon ($ 3.99) for Android tell you tons of the current state of the moon, including moon phases, moonrise and moonset times and when to expect that it will be complete. brightness. For a more accessible option, apps like Phases of the Moon ( Android , iOS ) even show the names of lunar craters. IOS users can check out My Moon Phase (free), which provides similar information and even specifies when is the best time to photograph the moon.

Take your picture

Today’s lunar eclipse will be the longest in this century , which means you’ll have plenty of time to capture great pictures per gram .

Most lunar photos look best during blue hour , which is about 30 minutes before sunrise and 10-15 minutes after sunset. Apps like the aforementioned My Moon Phase and others will let you know when that blue hour is approaching. Sun Surveyor ($ 9.99 on iOS , $ 7.99 on Android ) lets you track the moon and helps you plan your attack to get the payoff. It even lists the best upcoming viewing conditions for potential future photo shoots. If $ 10 is too expensive, the app offers a free version in case you want to test it first.

You can take a regular photo of the moon, but time-lapse photography is much more interesting. If you have a tripod or a way to lean on your phone, you can map the entire lunar eclipse by switching your phone to time-lapse mode and pointing your device up at the sky.

Your iPhone and (most) Android devices should have time-lapse modes built directly into the default camera apps. Android apps like Lapse It and Framelapse let you do the same (both have free and paid versions). An app built specifically for low-light photography, such as NightCap ($ 1.99) and Photo Pills ($ 9.99), also have time-lapse functions that you can take advantage of.

Shoot the moon, land among the stars

Just because the lunar eclipse will eventually end doesn’t mean there should be fun. Keep contemplating the sky with apps like Sky Guide ($ 2.99) or Night Sky (free) for iOS, or Stellarium Mobile Sky Map ($ 2.49) or Sky Map (free) for Android, which let you your phone to guide you through the stars. Both apps combine augmented reality with your device’s compass, so you can hold your device in the sky and spot the stars with ease. Don’t worry about not identifying all the constellations; Unlike today’s lunar eclipse, this show is always an encore every night.


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