Watch This Guy Test 10 Rubber Band Tricks

It turns out that rubber bands make pretty good erasers. They can also keep the pliers closed or put the lid on the pot while you are wearing it. But the bookmarks are lousy. In the video above, The King of Random host Nate tests ten popular rubber band tricks to make sure they actually work.

It’s strange that life hacks are something to test! Why would people share and distribute bad life hacks? Probably because we’re all addicted to giving advice, whether it’s for money (hi), or to feel important, or to feel like we’re making the world a better place. And some hacks work well enough for some people and not good enough for others. Fortunately, there is money (hello) and fame in exposing stupid hacks. And Nate does it with style and humor.

Nate and channel owner Grant Thompson have laid out their own life hacks over the years, such as how to improve cell phone reception and how to light a fire with a water bottle . They show off their hacks to the camera and discuss the pros and cons – a really responsible hack. And over the past couple of years, they’ve developed the smart, sleek style that you see above. The King of Random is worth following.


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