Using the Laptop on Your Lap Is Not a Health Hazard

If you spend a lot of time with your laptop on your lap, you’ve probably worried about health risks at least once, especially if you feel that your laptop gets a little warm near vulnerable areas.

You may have even panicked a little when you heard your laptop fans spinning to their limit, asking yourself, “Can heat from a computer cause infertility?” Do not worry. The answer is an emphatic no, although men who are concerned about the actual sperm count may still want to keep a small distance between the laptop and the perineum.

The Verge recently spoke with several different fertility doctors, and they all tended to agree that there is no evidence that laptops cause infertility. Zilch. Zippo.

In this regard, it is easiest for women – the ovaries are protected inside the body. If your laptop gets warm enough to damage it, your pants will likely catch fire too. We’re kidding, but it’s also true that pregnant women should avoid unnecessarily exposing their babies to heat, including laptop heat. Remember.

For men, the situation gets a little more complicated. Using a laptop won’t melt your testicles. However, even a small change in temperature (just two degrees according to Time ) can lead to fertility problems, and a 2005 study found that laptops can raise the temperature of your laptop by five degrees Fahrenheit.

Of course, laptops back then were the size of briefcases and had much less cooling capacity than they do today. However, you might not want to have a 4K marathon gaming session in your lap. Consider returning to your trusty desk, or at least sit cross-legged and spread your knees so you don’t trap heat from the laptop around your lower areas.

And if someone told you that using a laptop on your lap would give youradiation levelssimilar to Homer Simpson’s , tell them to leave. Several doctors told The Verge that this is not a problem. Your laptop emits as much radiation as you do when you fly across the country or even just walk outside.


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