How to Delete All Emo Tumblr Posts You Have Published in Recent Years

There may be reasons why you want to keep your Tumblr account but delete all your posts. You might have gotten an awesome username or Tumblr URL and don’t want to give it up , but you’d rather not let people know about how you’ve been addicted to anime gifs over the past few years, your dark obsession with Henry Cavill, or how often do you write about cats during the 9–5 working week. Such things.

Tumblr offers a Bulk Publishing Editor that you can use to add or edit tags for multiple posts at once, or to delete posts entirely. However, if you have been tumbling (tumbling?) For a while, it will be a difficult process as you have to click each individual message individually before performing a bulk delete.

And no, clicking on one message and pressing Shift on another message to quickly select a group doesn’t work. But the idea is good.

A Javascript trick that will save you (a little) time

Fortunately, there is a little trick you can use to select batches of 100 messages at a time, and you can keep repeating this process – select, remove, select more, remove more, etc. – until you won’t clear your Tumblr permanently. … Yes, it still takes a little time if you have thousands of messages, but it’s much better than clicking each one individually, at least.

As Louis Lee describes, you first need to open the Bulk Publishing Editor . Then copy and paste this javascript:$('.overlay').slice(0, 100).click() Javascript into your browser address bar: javascript:$('.overlay').slice(0, 100).click()

You may have to go back and add the “javascript:” part again, because most major browsers (such as Chrome, Edge, and Firefox) remove this part from your copy and paste job.

Here’s a quick life hack to do this: just create a bookmark in your browser’s bookmarking toolbar with this whole javascript string as the url. This way you can just click the bookmark to activate the code, instead of having to deal with a bunch of copy and paste.

To make sure the code is catching as many messages as possible, be sure to keep scrolling down in the Bulk Message Editor to bring up more old messages. Once you feel like you’ve typed a hundred or so, fire up Javascript, delete the posts, and continue. We recommend playing soothing music while uninstalling – something that you are less likely to post about on your newly sanitized Tumblr when you’re done.


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