How to Help Friends Reach Their Fitness Goals (Without Going to the Gym)

Friendship can help you achieve your fitness goals – or any other goal you are pursuing. But you don’t have to train together to help each other ( breathe a sigh of relief , couples). Try one of the following to support your friend:

  • Buy them time . If your friend has children, offer to look after him. This is a key point for couples too: when my spouse happily agrees to take on childish responsibilities, I am much more likely to go jogging than when he is reluctant to say, “Okay, come on.”
  • Encourage them. The heart of their post-workout selfie. Show concern. You don’t have to join your runner friend on this 10-mile journey, but you can meet her after brunch and tell her how awesome she is.
  • Remind them. Certainly not nitpicking! You and your friend can agree to discuss your plans and keep them in mind. What if he needs a morning wake-up call to make sure he’s heading for an early open voyage? Call to pick up the phone

People who support others in achieving their goals end up doing well too, ”says Ed Orehek, who studies the social psychology of goal setting . Research shows that the person who gets support is not only more likely to achieve their goals, but they also see the person as a best friend and enjoy being around them.

If you ask for help, don’t worry if you can’t make it on a two-way street. Orehek notes that people are more willing to help than we think. There are really only two secrets to finding a good helper: the person must be willing to help (not blame them), and the helper must be someone who can help you effectively. So if your friend doesn’t get up early, don’t ask him to call you and chat before dawn. They may say yes, but then they will feel guilty or burn out if they fail to deliver on their promise.


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