What You Need to Know About the Link Between Birth Control and Cancer

Recent research has confirmed a link between breast cancer and hormonal contraceptives (including pills, as well as a patch, implant, and some IUDs). Give yourself two seconds to freak out, then take a deep breath and let’s talk.

In fact, the news is not that there is a connection between the two, but that the connection discovered several decades ago is still applicable today, even with lower doses of hormones in modern pills. For a good explanation of what the study found, I like NPR’s coverage . Especially in this part about how great the risk we are talking about:

According to Mia Gode , an epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society, the risk associated with hormonal contraception is similar to the additional risk of breast cancer associated with physical inactivity, excessive weight gain in adulthood, or the average consumption of one or more alcoholic beverages. in a day.

So if you’re not overly concerned about a lack of gym habit or an evening glass of wine , you probably shouldn’t worry about that either. If you’re kind of a little out of control, you may know that copper IUDs do not contain any hormones, and they are a great option for many people.

But here’s the thing. Although hormonal contraception increases the risk of breast cancer, it also decreases the risk of ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, and possibly rectal cancer. Overall, hormonal contraceptives appear to be either neutral or beneficial to your overall cancer risk.


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