Tell Us Your Best Houston Tips

This week in Hack Your City, we talk about the lush southern supercity Houston, Texas. Like the singers from Save the Horse, Saddle the Cowboy, Houston is big and wealthy. The fourth largest city in the United States continues to grow, catching up with Chicago. And it’s physically massive; it has feeder lines for its feeder lines. It is also the most ethnically diverse metropolis in the country, home to top-notch nightclubs, restaurants, sports teams, parks and museums (I care about the doodles of the murals at Cy Twombly Gallery).

Houston was the first city I lived in for just the summer, so I have a soft spot for it, even after years as a coastal snob. No one in New York or Chicago right now, throwing a second blanket on the bed as winter approaches, can deny the charm of a toasted city that still has a lot of culture. So seduce us Houstonians. Tell us about the best parts of your hometown.

Houstonians, what good is your city? Where do you go, how do you get around, and what mistakes beginners do you avoid? Let us know in the comments and we will present the best tips in our post on Thursday.


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