Tell Us About Your Chicago Tricks

It may seem unfair that Chicago is always compared to New York and Los Angeles, the two only major cities in the United States, but it’s a compliment: it’s better than Los Angeles on the road and doesn’t surpass New York on any of its waterways, as it is not a Superfund site. Of course, the snow hits hard, the crime is high, and the river sometimes turns green.

Dubbed the “second city” by New York City snobs before Los Angeles turned it into a third, Chicago got its hipsters, gay neighborhood, Chinatown, and its VICE travel guide for all of them (plus a map of city block stereotypes ). It has local accents that sound like Pittsburgh and Brooklyn took a bath together. It has the country’s oldest makeshift theater , phenomenal sports teams and Cubs.

This week in Hack Your City, we need Chicago readers’ advice on how to visit, move, live or grow up in Chicago, the third largest city, until it catches up with Houston. Tell us below and we’ll present the best of them in a new post on Thursday.


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