Do You Need Hand Towels in the Bathroom

People who don’t have hand towels in their bathrooms: what do you think your guests use to dry their hands?

Do you expect us to use your bath towels? Do you think we know which part of the towel you use on your face or your hands? Or do you know that we can grab that part of the towel that you rubbed on your ass?

Do you want us to throw our hands wildly in the air, pouring water on your bathroom? Do you want us to pick up your shower curtain, toilet paper or our pants? Do you think we’re just not washing our hands?

Do you understand the chaos you are causing? Shame, confusion and betrayal? Does mass panic happen in your bathroom every time you throw a party?

If you don’t want your own hand towels, that’s your prerogative. You are simply exchanging your litter boxes (and dead skin flakes) for your own body.

But forcing guests to use your bath towels, which were last washed God knows when, is a sign of negligence bordering on hostility that you certainly didn’t intend to. It should be a trick intended only for those who want to dominate the movie, for example,forcing a cowardly character to shave them .

Plus it’s unpleasantly intimate. A nude bath towel is used; applies to your private parts. The guest rubbing his hands gropes for the ghost of your morning soul. If the towel is still damp, we are immediately reminded that this dampness does not come from your hands, which we happily grab when we greet or say goodbye, but from parts of you that we have never seen, let alone caressed. You can also ask us to use your toothbrush.

Finally, sharing towels is hazardous to health . The germs you pass on to yourself are less harmful than the germs you pass on to others, whose bodies do not always have the same immunity. It’s still a risk with hand towels, of course, but to a lesser extent, as these towels didn’t rub the exotic petri dish of your genital holes before limply hanging to dry in the wettest room of your house.

Hand towels can be cheap. They can be ugly. Nobody cares as long as they can be clearly identified as hand towels – neither bath nor floor. To do this, they must be smaller than these other towels. Beyond that, don’t be afraid.

And please wash your hand towels from time to time. Ideally every week, but no less frequently than your other laundry. Anything less and your guests can also wipe their hands dry on their mouths.


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