Will It Be a Sous Video ?: Super Sweet and Creamy Corn

Welcome to this week’sWill It Sous Vide? , the weekly column that I usually do whatever you want with my immersion circulator.

Summer is in full swing and sweet corn is ubiquitous. To be honest, I am very excited as I eat sweet corn in just about any form. I love it grilled. I love steamed. I love raw salad. All options are acceptable, but there is a special place in my heart for sweet and creamy corn.

Although I am from Mississippi, my family is not really a Southerner who grows vegetables themselves. My grandmother was never a big fan of cooking, and most of her vegetables came from cans, including creamy corn. To be honest, I still love the sweet, almost pudding delights of canned food, but I wanted to see if I could use my Anova to give fresh, sweet corn a delicious creamy texture.

I collected a whole bunch of ears and, using an old pan trick , quickly removed the juicy, sweet kernels from them.

Not wanting to put all the kernels in one bag, I only peeled three ears of corn. Then I milked the cobs, scraping off all the sweet banal juice with the back of my knife.

Then I put the kernels, corn milk, and the cobs in a bag with the following:

  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons duck fat (I always try to add duck fat where it isn’t available)
  • 1/2 cup cream

Then it all went into our friendly sous-video bathtub (set at 185 ℉) for an hour, just enough to watch a couple of Catastrophe episodes and get the emotional abuse it deserves.

After several hours of stories, I was ready for the tasting. I think it’s whipped corn. The corn itself was well cooked but didn’t look whipped. In my opinion, whipped corn is not just corn cooked in cream, but it is physically whipped, as if it were ” rubbed into a paste.”

I also quickly realized that I had overdone the fat, which seemed to muffle the bright and sweet taste of the corn. I still ate it, but I had to add a little maldon and nutritional yeast, which will tell you most of what you need to know.

It was back on the cutting board for me, so I put three more ears away and revisited my plan. For a real creamy texture, I decided to mix one ear of corn with 1/3 cup of cream, hoping that this would not only improve the texture, but also give the dish even more corn flavor. Then I added the crème de la crème, the remaining two kernels, and only one ear of corn (three clogged up the bag) to a bag with 4 tablespoons of brown butter (for flavoring), 1 teaspoon of salt. , and about six rounds of fresh white pepper from a coffee grinder.

The bag of porridge was returned to the bathtub, where they hung for an hour at 185 ℉.

An hour later, I took the bag out of the tub and fished out a corncob. I shifted the corn in a bowl and mix well, then – and I think it was pretty clever – added a little beurre manie, which translated from French means “paste made from flour butter” or “raw filling oil” to all thickened. If you’ve never done a beurre manie before, don’t worry, it’s as easy as falling off a log. Just mix together some butter and flour (equal parts by weight) until you get a smooth little flour ball. It will instantly thicken any sauce you add it to, just like it did with our whipped corn.

So, is there a sous vide with corn cream?

You are betting on your cookie. This whipped corn was one of the most corny and creamy I have ever eaten. The blended corn cream blend not only gave me the exact texture I was looking for, but also made it super sweet, while the whole kernels kept all the vibrant and crisp flavor.

It was, in my opinion, the best of the commonplace worlds. In fact, I liked it so much that I think I will bring my Anova the next time I visit my grandmother. She deserves a break from canned food.


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