Learn About Game of Thrones Ahead of Season 7 Premiere in About 10 Minutes

Everyone’s nervous about the Game of Thrones season 7 premiere , and you’re completely behind. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to catch up and be ready to watch with all your friends in no time.

If you’ve never watched Game of Thrones (or want to brush up on the entire episode)

You may have never seen Game of Thrones, but for some reason you decided that the last season of the series was the best time to be in it. Or maybe you’ve been invited to a pre-premiere party and just want to know what’s going on so you don’t get bored. Don’t worry, you don’t need to feel left out this Sunday.

First, check out some good resume videos that will give you a quick explanation of the story at the moment. This rundown from the folks at GamesRadar covers the main plot points, is entertaining and only takes about 10 minutes:

Or this rundown from YouTube Alt Shift X , which only takes about five minutes:

Or this one from HBO , narrated by Samuel L. Jackson. This one is by far the most entertaining, but not as thorough as the others. In addition, it does not contain information about the sixth season:

Additional credit: It might also be helpful to watch a resume video like this one from YouTube Finaly Dishonored , which basically just aggregates segments of each “earlier in …” episode into one roughly 40 minute video.

If you’re reading more, you can check out Ed Power’s detailed description in The Telegraph, or read a summary of each season on the Game of Thrones wiki page .

If you haven’t watched the last season (or you just need to be reminded of the sixth season)

If you are familiar with the world of Game of Thrones and have watched most of the show, you can probably get a quick overview of the sixth season. This rundown fromGameSpot Universe is thorough:

And this one fromGamesRadar :

If you’d rather read, skip ahead to the Season 6 overview on the Game of Thrones wiki. You will be ready to enjoy the bloodshed in no time.


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