The Postal Service Will Send You Photographs of Your Letter by Email Prior to Delivery

The US Post Office began testing a new service that scans your mail and e-mails you pictures of it about a year ago, but the service is now rolling out in most major metropolitan areas.

A service called Informed Delivery scans your mail and then sends you a black and white image. USPS has been scanning envelopes for a while because this is how their sorting equipment works, and now they are just making those scans available to their customers.

When you subscribe to a service, you will receive a physical email with a confirmation code that you must enter before starting the service. You won’t really know what is inside this letter, but at least you will know that it is on its way. You can check if your address is applicable on the informed delivery landing page. Now it covers a fairly large area and will expand even more on April 14th.

Informed delivery


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