Instagram Models Can Tell You a Thing or Two About How to Look Attractive in Photos.

Most of us don’t look like Instagram models (we all have semi-famous people with a constant stream of flawless Instagram poses), but that doesn’t mean we can’t look as good in our photos as they do. You just have to have a few tricks up your sleeve when your friend pulls out his phone and says, “I’m writing this!”

Whether you’re taking a group shot or shooting a solo, there are a few rules to keep in mind so that you can kill him in photos.

  • Get out of your comfort zone. Chances are, you have a default pose you use when it comes to photography, like sticking out your tongue or putting your hands in your pockets. Get out of your comfort zone and change positions, or at least stay away from the boring one you are doing right now.
  • Perform artificial actions . If you look like you are doing something, the photo will be more interesting and engaging than if you just stood there or took the same pose every time (I’m looking at you sorority squatters). But you don’t want to move at the same speed as if you were actually doing something (like walking, jumping on a friend, adjusting the clock), as this can blur the photo. It will be awkward at first, but ultimately you will not look awkward.
  • If it bends, bend it . If you want to take a still shot, look more natural by bending your knees. Try not to be rigid in order to look relaxed.
  • Smile naturally . A real smile goes a long way in making you look great in photography. If you or other people in a photo are having trouble smiling sincerely, I’ve found that making a fart sound (don’t actually fart!) Is good. It’s childish … but it does its job.
  • Ask the photographer to shoot from the center line . We tend to put the camera at face level when photographing, but this may not be the best angle. If the photographer does this, ask them to squat down or bend over slightly to get an angle that is closer to the waist of the group. Shooting from a higher angle can make your body disproportionate.

Aside from these guidelines, you can also use best practices for taking great photos in general, such as good lighting ( use your smartphone or someone else’s as a last resort) and adjusting camera settings . For poses inspiration, check out the Instagrams of musicians, celebrities, and artists you like as their style and aesthetics will appeal to you.


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