What to Do If You Get Stuck on Twitter-Allpocalypse’s Answer

Twitter just added a new feature that lets you add seemingly infinite numbers of people to a conversation without hitting the 140 character limit. Basically, you can @ everyone at once. It’s okay for multiple people to tweet back and forth, but more annoying tweeters can take advantage of this feature and blow up your notifications.

In short, you just need to turn off the conversation . Regardless of whether you are using the mobile app or the desktop site, simply open one of the tweet threads and click in the upper right corner:

You can then mute the entire reply-to-all disaster (also known as canoe in Twitter insights). You can do the same in the mobile app. And then dozens of other people in the chain who are constantly responding just to fill your notifications will no longer appear. (Technically, it looks like the number of people in a conversation is capped at fifty.)

What I learned first-hand this morning while being on a thread like this is that 1) I had to disable notifications on my phone as a constant thread would probably kill my battery and 2) otherwise I it didn’t matter because I just ignored my annoying colleagues . But if Twitter keeps this feature as is, it could easily become another tool for the trolls who still haunt the site. You can also set up more advanced filters to keep out dummy mentions.


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