What Is the Difference Between “natural” and Regular Toothpastes?

Natural toothpastes sound like they should be healthier than your standard Colgate or Crest, but it turns out that the ingredients are basically the same. Let’s figure it out all based on science helps figure it out.

The main benefit of brushing your teeth, according to dentist Grant Ritchie, is the brushing itself: “The brand or type of toothpaste is secondary to the importance of using the toothbrush correctly for the correct period of time.”

Almost all toothpastes, including natural ones, contain four components:

  • Abrasives to help remove plaque
  • Flavors , usually with artificial sweeteners
  • Moisturizers for imparting a gel-like consistency
  • Foaming detergents

Most common toothpastes contain fluoride, which helps to strengthen teeth, and some contain ingredients to fight tartar. These are nice additions, but they do not, or interfere with, the basic function of brushing your teeth.

Natural toothpastes typically contain the same four main ingredients, although they may be free of fluoride and other ingredients such as lemon oil or charcoal may be added, which also have very little effect on how your brushing actually ends. teeth. Follow the link below to learn more about the composition of your toothpaste.

What’s in this tube? | Scientific medicine


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