How Much Money Can You Save With a Roommate in 25 Different Cities

If you enjoy spending time alone, living with a roommate can be a challenge . However, you can save a lot of money by living with someone. However, your savings will depend on where you live. Trulia’s new data shows how much you will save depending on where you live.

They looked at the cost of renting one and two-bedroom apartments in 25 different neighborhoods to compare how much you would save by dividing the cost of a two-bedroom apartment versus renting one one-bedroom apartment. Of course, income is also an important factor, so Trulia also looked at the average income in each city, comparing it to the savings for that city to get a percentage. On average, they found that tenants could save about 13% of their income on a roommate.

You can see the savings and percentages for each city in the graph below. For example, in San Francisco, the most infamous housing market, you can save over $ 1,000 with a roommate, which is 12.8% of your median income.

Trulia announced this data with the release of a new “Room for Rent” feature that helps users find roommates in different cities. Check out the picture below and then skip to the full post to find out more.

As costs rise, Trulia’s new report details how much tenants can save by having one or two roommates | GeekWire


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