How Did You Manage During the February Contest “Money”?

The end of the month, which means it’s time to end the February money competition . If you joined, please tell us how you did it.

This month we challenged you to save on unused and unwanted subscriptions. It could be a gym membership, cable TV, streaming music service, subscription box service … the list goes on. We asked you to list all of your subscriptions (or use a tool like Trim to do it for you). Then you had to ask yourself how valuable the subscription is : does it save you time or money? Do you use if often? Can you find a free or cheaper alternative?

If it’s not worth it, your job is to give it up. So tell us: what have you got rid of and how much will you save? (And hey, if you’re late to the game, you have one more day.) Mute below, then drop by Wednesday when we talk about the March challenge.


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