This Video Explains Why You Wait so Long in the Emergency Room.

You might think the emergency room is the place to get medical help quickly, but many of us are familiar with the feeling of waiting for hours, even if the place doesn’t seem crowded. This video helps explain why.

Part of the reason is sorting: the concept of sorting people based on how time-sensitive their problems are. Even if you have a serious illness or injury, if you are unlikely to get worse in the next few hours, you will not be at the top of the list. First-in, first-out does not apply here – a person who walks an hour after you go to the doctor may go to the doctor before you.

The other part of the reason is simply that the emergency department is connected to the rest of the hospital. Waiting for a particular room, car, or specialist can affect people throughout the hospital, including the emergency department. Watch the entire video to learn more about how emergency departments work, including how to get the most out of the discharge instructions when you finally get home.

Why am I waiting in the emergency room? | Doc Mike Evans


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