Everything You Need to Know About Building Muscle With Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are great tools for strength training at home or when traveling , but they may not be suitable for building muscle when compared to weights. This video explains everything.

The video from youtuber Picturefit talks about the pros and cons of using resistance bands for training. On the one hand, they are great for those just starting out. If you are not yet used to weight, you will surely notice some of the beginner’s benefits from using resistance bands. Plus, they have low impact and are easy to use for beginners.

On the other hand, resistance bands can have an extremely wide range of resistance, making them less ideal for some exercises. And you will probably get stronger faster than you think and quickly grow out of the lighter stripes, leaving you with the heavier stripes that pull you, not you pull them. Basically, once your workouts reach a certain threshold, you stop gaining muscle mass using resistance bands and you have to move on to weights if you want to see these pleasing results. However, Picturefit invites you to ultimately use the best of both worlds and combine resistance bands with your weights. The combination of these two sets compensates for what each set lacks individually and gives you the most complete strength training possible.

Is it possible to gain muscle mass using resistance bands? | Youtube


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