Why Do Your Joints Make Such a Popping Sound When You Crack Them?

If you enjoy making your knuckles and other joints crack, you may have heard that this is “bad for you” and that “you will get arthritis.” Short answer: we’re not sure. Long Answer: This video from Vox gives you detailed insight into what is actually happening to your joints.

This characteristic (and, frankly, disturbing) sound you hear when you break your joints is due to a gas-filled lubricant in your joints called synovial fluid. Pushing the joints creates a stretched space between the bones and sucks fluid into that space, an event associated with this beautiful sound.

As for whether this is “bad”, well, the research isn’t clear. If you don’t feel pain when hacking them , then you probably have nothing to worry about.

This is what happens to your knuckles when you break them | Vox


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