You Don’t Have to Reach Out to Everyone Until You Find Your Niche.

When you promote your work, people naturally wonder how much they like it. However, it’s okay if the answer is no. Your job doesn’t have to attract everyone if you can carve your niche.

As productivity writer Seth Godin explains, most businesses are built on a customer base, which can be described as “almost none.” Most people in the world – or even in the country you live in – don’t go to your favorite restaurant or read the books of their favorite author. We all know about large companies, which is great, but many small businesses, freelancers and artists thrive, although most people don’t know their names:

Indeed, there is rarely a market in which everyone is active.

We think we design and sell to everyone, but this is not true. There is no point in downplaying your best work in order to please a longtime observer, because the outsider is not interested. And, of course, there is no point in trying to convince your strongest critics, because they put a lot at stake in their role as your critic.

Of course, this does not mean that you can throw away any criticism you have ever received because “Well, this is not for you.” This really means that if you can find an audience for your work, you don’t need to dilute it. The only important thing is that it is liked by the people you work for, and not everyone in the world.

Almost nobody | Seth Godin


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