The Best Way to Crack a Coconut Without Tools

Fresh coconut is delicious, but hard to crack into, especially when you don’t have any tools with you. This trick can save your life if you find yourself on a desert island. Or at least save the day on a picnic or barbecue.

As Grant Thompson demonstrates in this video from his YouTube channel, you don’t need anything but a hard, pointed surface to open a fresh coconut. The trick is to find the “face” of the coconut, or three dark spots, which are somewhat reminiscent of two eyes and a mouth. Find the eyes and draw a line between them halfway down the edge of the coconut. On this line, you want to hit a sharp stone or other solid object.

Hold the coconut so that the line is perpendicular to the sharp edge of the stone, then smash it well. You should have a clean break in the center of the coconut. Some water may spill out, but if you’re quick enough you can still save the most when you open the coconut. Of course, if you have any tools, there are other ways to hack them .

How to open coconuts without any tools “useful YouTubewiki


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