What’s Your Favorite Texting App?

Google Allo contains many useful features , not the least of which is Google Assistant, which brings a lot of usefulness . However, it takes a long time to get someone to give up what they are using now, especially if their friends are using it. What’s your favorite texting app? Do you stick to it?

Personally, I still use Hangouts, mainly because everyone I know uses it, but that might just be my case. When I ask, I hear a lot of similar answers – a lot of people use Facebook Messenger because, well, all their Facebook friends, the app is right on their phone and it’s easy to use and easy to communicate with anyone. you need to talk. Other friends use iMessage because they and all of their friends are in the Apple ecosystem. Others use WhatsApp or even Telegram.

What’s your favorite and why do you stick with it? Have any of the recent improvements, like Allo Assistant or Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp end-to-end encryption , got you thinking about switching?


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