Start Cleaning With the “10 Things” Rule

When you’re cleaning the bottom of a barrel for motivation, even simple things like cleaning your house can seem overwhelming. This mental trick can turn a quick cleanup into a cleanup frenzy.

No matter how big or small the task is, getting started is everything . That’s why Apartment Therapy commentator BadSeed1980 came up with the “10 Things” cleaning rule. The premise is simple: start collecting items, folding clothes, folding dishes, or organizing things around you until you’ve taken care of the first ten things that catch your eye. You are not prioritizing or making lists – just go. At its best, this trick will turn 10 things into a complete cleaning, and you don’t want to stop after you hit the groove. In the worst case, you will stop after 10 cases, but still have made little progress in tidying up. You can always pick it up tomorrow by completing another round of 10 things.

3 Mind Tricks That Will Make You Go To The Big Cleanup Without Even Realizing It | Apartment therapy


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