Digital Passcodes – Another Hidden College Cost to Look Out For

If the tuition fee is not high enough, college students have a detailed list of college-related expenses that they must pay . These expenses can catch you off guard, especially during the first semester. One more thing to add to the list: digital passcodes.

Many college courses now require students to purchase one-time digital passcodes, according to a report by Student Public Interest Research Groups (Student PIRGs). These codes give students access to e-books, homework assignments, study guides, and tests. They found that the average cost of these codes was $ 100.24. Of course, you can only use the code once, so you can’t share it. PIRG student groups explain why this is not the best scenario for students:

  • By making access codes one-time and individualized for each student, publishers prevent the student from sharing it with a friend or borrowing it from the library if they don’t have the financial means to buy it.
  • By creating access codes that include assignments and tests, publishers block 100% of course students from purchasing their product and prevent students from opting out.
  • By moving to digital course materials, publishers now have the ability to eliminate the oversupply that can lead to markets for used books.

The report says the trend is a workaround for publishers to cash in on textbooks when students find ways to cut costs. At the very least, it is helpful for students to be aware of this cost so that they can budget accordingly. To view the full report, follow the links below.

Report: New Trend in the Market for University Textbooks Poses a Danger for Students | PIRG student groups via The New York Times


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