This Homemade Peanut Butter Frosting Takes Just Eight Minutes to Make

Very few desserts are not improved by adding peanut butter, and Stella Parks of Serious Eats offers the perfect icing to get peanut butter applied to all cakes, cookies, and muffins as quickly as possible.

The recipe (which you can read in full at the link below) is based on American buttercream, which is simply butter and powdered sugar mixed together with peanut butter, a little honey, vanilla, and salt. The real star of the recipe, however, is the organic powdered sugar . It’s not its “organic” that makes it special, but rather the fact that organic powdered sugar is usually made from tapioca starch rather than corn, making it thinner and more silky.

Mix all these yummy things together and you have a super yummy, super smooth and super fast frosting to spread over every damn baked item you can get your hands on.

Make this dangerously light peanut butter frosting in just 8 minutes | Serious food


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