Choose the Right Wedding Planner by Asking These Questions in Advance

As someone dealing with all the headache associated with planning a wedding, I understand why organizers charge thousands for their services – that’s a lot of work! However, if you are going to hire a planner, make sure you pick the right one. You can start with a few questions.

Bankrate explains that the cost of the planner depends on your location and the type of assistance you need. Some planners will put everything together for you, while others may simply help out on your actual wedding day. Either way, you can expect to pay anywhere from $ 900 to several thousand dollars, so you need to be sure that you are getting your money back. Ivy Jacobson of tells the site that you should ask a few questions when you start your search:

How many weddings have you worked in?

How many other clients will you work with while working with me?

How familiar are you with planning weddings in my chosen location?

Do you only work with specific suppliers?

These are all important considerations, and Jacobson adds that you also want to know the strengths and weaknesses of the scheduler. To find out more, navigate to their full publication at the link below.

How much does a wedding planner cost? Your Guide to Choosing the Perfect Planner | Bank rate


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