Five of the Most Common Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Weight

Regardless of which approach you use to lose weight, there are a few common mistakes that always negate all of your hard work.

Losing weight is never easy. Whether you exercise more, stick to a specific diet, or simply eat less overall, you must remember that weight loss is a process with many variables that can affect your progress. This video from PictureFit Youtube channel highlights five hidden obstacles people face when trying to lose a few pounds:

  1. Not knowing how much you eat: Counting calories is difficult and most people will underestimate their daily calorie intake by as much as 50% if they try to do it mentally. Use a calorie counting app or website to help. It won’t always be 100% accurate, but it’s better than trying to guess on your own.
  2. Feeling obligated to finish your plate: You can tell yourself you don’t want to waste your food, but the last few bites can cost you dearly. Let go of the “could eat it” mentality and save food for later. If you haven’t finished eating your food, this does not mean that you will throw it away. Ask for a box as soon as you order a meal at a restaurant so you don’t be tempted, or even use smaller plates when you’re at home.
  3. Doing Long and Tiring Workouts: If you don’t like running, doing it every day for an hour is boring and difficult. And this usually leads to the fact that you do not want to do it anymore, so you completely stop exercising. Find something that you enjoy in some way, or at least try something that takes less time, such as high-intensity interval training.
  4. Expect too quick results. It takes a long time to get in shape and lose weight – at least if you really want to stay in good health. Don’t give up just because you don’t look like a supermodel after a couple of weeks of training. Aim to lose one to two pounds a week.
  5. Trying to do too much at once: Losing weight requires developing a few good habits: eat less, count calories, exercise regularly, drink enough water, sleep a lot, and more. If you try to develop all of these habits at the same time, you will surely fail. Relax in things and gradually move towards a healthier self.

If you want to see real results, you must always keep this in mind. Remember that losing weight is a process that builds up over time, not a couple of intense weeks of suffering. Stick to the course, the results will come.

5 Common Mistakes When Losing Weight – Lose Weight Fast By Avoiding These Mistakes! | Youtube


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