Questions Parents and Students Should Answer Before Heading to College for the First Time

The first year of college is a tough one for parents and students, but a few questions can help relieve some of the stress before your first day of school. Here are a few things to discuss to make the transition smoother for everyone.

Setting expectations before the start of the first year of schooling attracts everyone to the same wavelength. Sit down and discuss it:

  • Why do you or your child go to college at all? This helps keep you in mind of a motivating goal beyond your degree. Maybe it’s a sport, a point of entry into a certain field or work, or to narrow down the range of issues in which you are interested in working. You can also talk about expectations for grades and your learning.
  • How many contacts will you have with each other? Setting up a weekly call can give you time to catch up without overwhelming each other. Or perhaps you prefer to use text messages, emails, or Facebook messages. If you live nearby, decide how often you will visit.
  • Who pays for what expenses? Maybe the parents cover tuition and living expenses, and the student will work to afford other things. Perhaps the student needs to take out a loan or find scholarships. Should a student get a credit card? If so, how can they use it responsibly? Whatever your situation, deal with it now so that there are no surprises.
  • What do you think about alcohol, drugs and sex? Most people cringe at the thought of discussing these topics with their parents, but in fact, they can provide some helpful tips to help you stay safe. They, too, were once young. Plus, if you talk about it now, you can make future moments less awkward, like when you need their health insurance to pay for STD tests or when you are put in a drunk tank.
  • How will the house rules change when you return home for a break? People grow up a lot during this first year away from home and are unhappy with the old “not under my roof” rules when they come home for vacation or summer break. Stay tuned in to things like curfews, household chores, and other obligations.

This is just a starting point and you can filter out the ones that you think apply to your situation. The purpose of this conversation is to come to an understanding of these important topics before you start discussing them or until an unpleasant reason arises.

Five Conversations Parents and Students Should Have Before Their First Year of College | College Parent Central


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