Taste Nostalgic Hot Pockets With Frozen Roti

As someone who grew up mostly in the 90s, I’m not new to Hot Pocket. I wish I could tell you that I have grown completely out of them, but at times I get a nostalgic craving for microwave-packed pepperoni-wrapped bread pans.

You can pop into the frozen section of your grocery store, or make your own, more delicious version (and control exactly what goes into them). The recipe is pretty simple and requires only four ingredients: pepperoni, sauce (for extra benefit, try the pepperoni marinara at the link below), cheese, and frozen roti , which can be found in Asian markets.

To form the pockets, mix the sauce, pepperoni, and cheese together, then pull the roti out slightly while holding it on the small plastic dividing square it was packed with. Pour in about 1/4 cup of the sauce and use a small plastic square to fold the roti into a semicircle, sealing the edges. Make a few small cuts at the top to keep them from exploding, brush with a little vegetable oil and bake at 450F until golden brown (10-15 minutes). If you want the real Hot Pockets experience, you can collect and freeze them (click the link below for this process).

Pepperoni-Pizza “Very Warm” Pockets | Happy peach

Photo by Ernesto Andrade .


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