Fix Forked IMessage Conversations by Ticking This Option

Have you ever set up a new Apple device only to find that for some reason your iMessage conversations have forked and created multiple threads for the same person? This is an annoying and incredibly common problem, but Six Colors demonstrates how to fix it.

Whether you’re setting up a new Apple device or making changes to an existing one, including setting up two-factor authentication , you have the opportunity to screw up. If you do it wrong, you end up with two or more conversations with the same person. As it turns out, Izzade is address-based threading the message is sent from. If you have different addresses listed in the “From” settings, including a phone number or an old email address, there is a high probability that something went wrong. Fortunately, this is easy to fix. On your Mac:

  1. Open iMessages.
  2. Click on Messages> Settings> Accounts and select the address you want in the Start New Conversation With field.

On iOS:

  1. Go to Settings> Messages> Send & Receive.
  2. Select the same address under Start New Conversation With.

This will not reconcile the forked conversations that have already happened, but at least normalizes everything in the Apple ecosystem. If you have other problems with iMessage, there are many other fixes .

Reconcile iMessage Forked Conversations | Six colors


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