Vitamin D Is Probably Not the Panacea Some People Think

Vitamin D is believed to help with arthritis, fight depression, and even lower the risk of cancer. But according to a recent close study of available research, vitamin D is much less of the magic remedy that some have argued.

An analysis of the study by Michael Allan , director of evidence-based medicine at the University of Alberta, included over 80 studies of vitamin D and found very little evidence to support vitamin D supplementation. We knew for a while that taking vitamin supplements was bullshit , but vitamin D has long been considered the most promising. In the press release, Allan even mentions that he and his research team have embarked on their analysis with hope:

“Even areas that we really thought had good evidence of benefits early on didn’t seem to work. We probably have the most evidence that these are fractures … Many people would say that taking medication for 10 years to stop one in 50 fractures is probably not enough to make sense. As far as we know, this is the best vitamin D. ”

Despite past claims, Allan’s research shows that vitamin D is of little help in treating rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, depression, and does not prevent respiratory infections or cancer. The analysis of the study also confirms the fact that you do not need to check your vitamin D levels regularly. You can find out more at the link below.

Vitamin D: A Narrative Review Examining Evidence From Ten Beliefs | Journal of General Internal Medicine via Mental Floss


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